How to overcome stage fear.

When I first went on stage I blanked out and felt my knees shaking.  I was pretty sure I would make a fool out of myself and I definitely did. Everything was just so bad at that moment. My knees wobbly, my voice shaky, palms were profusely sweating and I could hear how weird my voice sounded. I just wanted to run off that stage. Even though only about 20 people were in that auditorium, I felt like I was being judged and under the microscope by infinite number of eyes. It was beyond horrendous. 
When everything was going bad, I also noticed a faint feeling of belonging (which at that time I mistook it as nausea). 

The more I pushed myself to be in the spot light the more I loved the feeling of everyone listening to what I had to say. I realised when I held the microphone, I had the power. The power to say what I want, to show people who I truly am. This estatic feeling overpowered the fear of being ridiculed or mocked. 

I've worked 6 years on my stage fear. I grabbed every opportunity to get on stage and speak. I can effortlessly manage a crowd of 1,000+ people for hours together.
Even now, I get nervous and hesitant but when I'm on stage with the mic, I know this is where I belong. 
This adrenaline rush of listening to the faint voice in my head that's says "do it" is why I would get on the stage again and again.

For anyone struggling with stage fear, I wrote some points down. I hope it helps.

How to overcome stage fear 

•‌ Get comfortable with the stage - going on the stage every opportunity you get.

•‌Fail, screw up, mess up on stage. It's totally okay. Chances are people didnt even notice. Even if they did, they won't remember it for long. ( The first few times on stage I fainted and yes people made fun of me but I kept going on stage often that they soon forgot about it).

•‌Start small - start with a small crowd of 2-3 people. Start by giving a speech or talking about something you love. Slowly increase your audience to 5 people and more. 

•‌Always know what you want to say beforehand. Plan every word. (This worked for me so I wouldn't blank out but if you are more spontaneous you could plan an overall view and slowly once you get comfortable and have experience, you can improvise on spot.)
•Practice 200 times in front of the mirror even if you have to say only one line.

•‌If you blank out, take a long deep breath. Tell yourself you can do this. Take a breath and smile. It might seem like you are pausing for a long time but it helps build anticipation and helps you ground yourself.

•‌Imagining people naked doesn't really work for me but if it works for you, coool. What worked for me is knowing that it takes a loot of courage to be on stage and if someone is mocking that or trying to pin point everything, high possibilities are that they haven't got half the courage you do. 

•‌Also your voice is as good and perfect  as it always was. Your ears aren't used to hearing your voice amplified but trust me it doesn't sound as weird as your head makes it out to be.  

‌I hope you are able to realise that the fear is only in your mind and it is real but it can be defeated. 

‌One last thing, always know that your voice is very important and needs to be heard. What you have to say has value and give yourself that regard. 
‌Good luck ♥️


  1. Amazing Sashwata. .... Thank u so much for sharing this .. I really will help me a lot . .. ... Love from Monideepa ❤

  2. Thank you for this. Will work on this. I still have stage fear. Sharing yours experience is so helpful....


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