Entrapment of the Human mind (Ideas)

We humans, are restricted by our own thoughts and entrapped by the facade of our limitations. The road blocks that we believe is only an abstract notion in our mind that manifests as physical blockages. Hesitant spark of ideas when made in circles and rooms of stagnance, dies down before it gets an opportunity to become an engulfing bright flame. Many a times we too, tend to play the role of a wet blanket, even before the wheels of ideation begin. This cycle of entrapment of ideas although originates in circles of discouragement is often Internalised for years thereafter. Our ideas die before they even see the other side of innovation. Every idea/thought seems unlikely untill it has come to fruition and implemented in a form that is beyond contrivance. Throughout history, theories of innovation and momentum of change were scoffed, denied, ridiculed and abhorred. Galileo's radical notion that the Earth revolved around the Sun ; The Portuguese Explorer,Vasco Da Gam...